Friday, March 16, 2007

Glass class

Just in time for my first glass blowing lesson tonight I found these very cool glass earrings from Rare Device. If I fail at making the beer mug I am supposed to make tonight at the One Sixty glass blowing studio, perhaps I will fling some molten glass through my ear holes and make some earrings.
Yeah, alright I'll probably just buy these instead...

Darn these modern contraptions

Well, last night we went to our cheese class at Artisanal. For some reason my photos are not cooperating with me today, so I am going to wait to post fully about this until tomorrow. Believe me, it will be worth it. I think we tasted the best beer cheese ever created, so be sure to check back for all the cheesy's that for a teaser!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

More fun with etsy

Fun cards from laladexpress for your viewing pleasure...

This one's for my peeps

Last year was my first year of trying to make homemade marshmallow peeps from the recipe on Martha Stewart online. I have to say that it was terribly fun, although most of them turned out to be marshmallow worms due to my lack of piping skills. I thoroughly recommend trying out this recipe though, it's a great Easter project!

Clean living

Isn't this cute? It's a's a washing's a washing machine birdhouse. Via Swissmiss.

Today is the day!

Oh hooray for is finally the day of my class at Artisanal Cheese which will have me pairing artisanal cheeses and beers like a pro. I look forward to bringing you some hot beer and cheese related content tomorrow. Yippee!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Shelf lining paper

Yesterday in my bumblings on the internet I uncovered this awesome Mexican Papel Picado resource (bottom photo) and an example of how to use the paper (top photo) here. I hope I don't go crazy and paper every shelf in my apartment, it's tempting!!!

Plasticize me

By now you must know that I have a soft place in my heart for plastic jewelry. Why? Probably some deep seeded psychological trauma from way's another link for you plastic lovers out there from the lovely blog Modish.

Real sugar high

So here's something I never knew before today...apparently during Passover Coca Cola makes a version of Coke that is sweetened with sugar, not high fructose corn syrup so that observant Jews can drink it. This exciting news comes to me via Serious Eats, and they even link to an article giving you the lowdown on where to purchase the good stuff. Mmmm...sugar.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

And away I go

This passport case from Tiny Meat is just too cute. Alright, gotta run! Please browse around in the links I've got along the right hand side in my absence.

More roundup

Next up: Parrot pouches, and Love Bee Mirrors from Little Odd Forest. File under great little gifts.

Etsy roundup

Today is a WILD day here at work, so I will posting some groovy goods I found over at Etsy it lieu of a real post. Click on through and enjoy the etsyness.
We begin with Rainy Day Prints which has all sorts of goodies...from artwork worthy of framing, to magnets, to bookmarks. Cool stuff.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Charting design

Cool chart from Ebay

Chinese face reading chart

German charts from Decor8

Aaron and I have been on a quest for instructional charts to be used as art lately. I guess it must be in the water or something because over at decor8 today they have a great blog entry about German instructional charts and resources for acquiring them. Also I found an interesting resource for the Chinese face reading chart above (which would be truly fascinating bathroom reading), and a cool anatomical chart being auctioned on Ebay.